Beginning English Video Lessons – Week 25 Of 52

Part 1 – Watch and practice along with this Speaking Practice Video

Part 2 – Watch and practice along with this Pronunciation Practice Video

Part 3 – Listen, read, and practice along with the audio player and dialogue below.

Anna: Hello from Washington, DC! This city has many monuments and memorials.

Anna: Today I am visiting the ones built in memory of our Presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt.

Anna: I want to learn more about them.

Anna: Hey! Watch out!

Dan: Sorry! I didn’t see you.

Anna: You were not looking. You should be more careful.

Dan: I know I should be more careful. But this game is really fun.

Anna: What kind of game?

Dan: You have to find things that aren’t really there.

Anna: How can you find things that aren’t really there?

Dan: They’re in your phone. See?

Anna: I see. It’s like a scavenger hunt.

Dan: That’s right!

Anna: I don’t have time for games. I want to learn about U.S. presidents.

Dan: Then you should play this game! When you find an American symbol, you win points and a Fun Fact about a U.S. President.

Anna: I have time for this game!

Dan: Here are the symbols that I caught: the Statue of Liberty for 20 points, Uncle Sam for 40 points and the American flag for 60 points.

Anna: What symbol are you looking for now?

Dan: I am looking for the bald eagle. That is 100 points! It should be near the Washington Monument.

Anna: This game is awesome.

Dan: You ought to buy the app right now. It’s called “Catch Americana.”

Anna: Got it. Catch Americana.

Anna: Thanks! Good luck!

Dan: Good luck to you too!

Anna: This is the Jefferson Memorial. I know that Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence! Now, where is that symbol?

Anna: Here it is! My first one. It’s an American flag! I won 60 points!

Anna: An American flag works well for Thomas Jefferson*. I see lots of American flags on Independence Day!

Anna: Where is my Jefferson Fun Fact?

Voice: In his lifetime, Thomas Jefferson wrote about 19,000 letters!

Anna: I did not know that. Where is the next symbol?

*See an explanation of this sentence in the Learning Strategy section.

Part 4: Watch the “Watch Out!” Video Lesson

Hello Students! How are you today? Do you consider yourselves careful and try to prevent getting into accidents? Today we have video lesson 25, “Watch Out!” which we encourage you to watch closely and review several times. Don’t forget to share what you learned from the video with other English Learners via our comments section below.

Part 5 – Take the “Watch Out!” Lesson 25 Online Quiz

Click here: Take the “Watch Out!” Lesson 25 Online Quiz

10 thoughts on “Beginning English Video Lessons – Week 25 Of 52

  1. Hello,
    This is Albertine
    After practicing the dialogues many times, I did the quiz and my score was 83%. Meaning that I did 5 correct answers.
    Thank you

    1. Greetings Maestro Sersea

      My score is 83% I have answered 5 correct answers from total 6 questions.

      Thank you so much
      Best Regards

  2. Hello. I’m Danijela.
    Very interesting lesson. I was injoying in learning.
    Thank you very much Maestro Sersea.

  3. Hi. This is Wilber. My score was 83% meaning I answered 5 correct answers from total 6 questions.
    Thank you

  4. Hello
    I got 5 correct answer from total 6 questions. It mean an score of 83%.
    Thank you Maestro

  5. Hello sir!
    I’m Samir Malviya from India
    I practiced on the video lesson it was really awesome I was participating in the quiz and I got 100 percent score. Thank you so much sir for this lesson. 🙏

  6. Hello!
    This is Nandar. Today, I learned a lot from learning videos. I learned how to speak correctly vocabularies and I will be improving my English skills. I took the quiz and I have gotten 5 out of 6. Thank you very much, Sir!

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