American English Pronunciation #14: How to Pronounce: Difference between / eɪ/ and /ɛ/

Part 1: DIRECTIONS: Watch and pronounce with the video 2 or 3 times.

Part 2: DIRECTIONS: Practice pronunciation by reading aloud the following words and sentences.

take — tech

sale — sail

gate — get

tame — ten

bet — bait

I will take a vacation.

That coat is on sale.

Please close the gate.

I have ten dollars in my wallet.

The fish bit on the bait.

7 thoughts on “American English Pronunciation #14: How to Pronounce: Difference between / eɪ/ and /ɛ/

  1. Hello
    I am Albertine
    I am thankful for the new knowledge I learned today, especially the pronunciation of different vowels and how to use them in short sentences.
    Thank you

    1. Hello Mastro Sersea!
      Thank you for your lesson of /ei/ and/e/ sound. It is a good practice of pronunciation.
      Thank you.

  2. Hello everyone
    Practice pronunciation is very important. One begin to discriminate better.

    Thank you Maestro

  3. Hello sir,
    I am Samir kumar Malviya I practiced with this pronunciation practiced video the difference between two sounds. Earlier I didn’t know the slightly difference in the sounds of “take and tech ” now I learned this. Thank you so much sir for this lesson.🙏

  4. Hello!
    Today, I learned different between two pronounciations. One is a little more tense and one is relaxed and more far apart. Thank you very much, Sir!

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