Welcome to Year 1, Week 38, Lesson 1.38.1. Today we will work on your English Vocabulary. We begin with Fry Sight Words English Vocabulary 1st Hundred, Lesson 4. Please follow the directions and do your best.
Part 1 – DIRECTIONS: Please watch the vocabulary video below two or three times:
Part 2 – Please read aloud the following words and sentences in English, then translate them and read them into your primary language using the translator on this page.
The First Hundred – Part 4
number, no, way, could, people, my, than, first, water, been, called, who, am, its, now, find, long, down, day, did
She asked him for his cell phone number, and he gave it to her.
What number should I call to reach you?
There’s no possible connection between this event and that event.
She wanted no part in the business he offered her a part of.
The best way to learn English is to be disciplined, committed, motivated, and constant in your learning.
Which way should I take to get to the post office?
I could help you with your English skills if you would work on the English lessons daily.
Who could go to the park to help organize the party?
Many people want to learn a language, but few actually work hard to make that possible.
There are many people who live in India right now.
My favorite American car is Chevrolet Corvette.
Thank you for being my hard-working English student.
She is a much faster typist than he is.
The owner of Amazon is much richer than the owner of Microsoft.
If you want to be the first student in the class, you need to work extra hard to be the best.
The winner of this year’s Boston marathon was the first person in his family to ever win a race.
It’s much better to drink fresh water than to drink soft drinks.
He drank a whole bottle of mineral water at the dinner party.
Have you ever been to Paris, France?
I’ve been wondering how you have been.
My boss called me when I failed to show up to work on time.
My parents called my teacher to ask how I was doing in school.
Do you know who you are?
You must trust who you spend your valuable time with.
Some say that I am too focused on my work.
I am a serious student who will be communicating fluently in the English language.
The puppy ran after its own tail.
The cat licked its paws after eating dinner.
Now is the time to be serious about learning and succeeding.
The time is now for us to start enjoying life.
Where did you find that beautiful tie?
I must find the answer to this mathematical equation before my teacher asks me.
Her brown hair was beautiful and very long.
How long have you known that you want to learn English?
The girl fell down the stairs because she wasn’t paying attention to where she was walking.
Sometimes I feel down after I have a difficult day at work.
Each day is a special day that we must cherish and respect.
On which day will you be able to go to your doctor’s appointment?
She did her homework for her English class every morning.
Did you know that you are a very special human being?
Part 3 DIRECTIONS: Please watch the quiz video and do the quiz on your own paper. When you finish, let us know your quiz score in the comments section below.
Hello, I did the quiz I got 18/20
Thanks teacher
My Quiz score was 18 pts of 20
Hello my English teacher!
Thank you for helping me to improve my pronunciation. I did the quiz and I got 100%. Means, 20 correct answers out of 20
Thank you
Hello. I’m Danijela.
In this lesson I learned new words and improved pronunciation.
In the quiz my score was 20/20.
Thank you very much Maestro Sersea.
Hello everyone:
My score was 20/20
Thank you a lot Maestro
Sorry, but what is the point of the quiz that gives the answers exactly in the order of the words searched? 1 is 1! 2 is 2 etc! Thank You Mister Sersea!
Lesson 1.38 .1
Fry Sight Words , Quiz
My score is 100%
very good training to enhance and polish our English language skill

Thank you for your help. I am sure, I will be fluently in English language with my quiz score 100% right answers.
Greetings Maestro Sersea
I did my quiz and i got 20 answer good of twenty questions answered.
Best Regards
Hello Maestro Sersea! In the quiz my score was 20/20. Thank you very much!
Every lesson help me to improve my English skill, I’m motivated to continue studying English and be able to speak English fluently.
In the quiz my score was 100%
Thank you Maestro for encourage us to study.
Hello teacher!
I was reading and pronunciation follow you few times. I can use each word with different sentences. For my quiz was 18/20 scores.
Thank you for your lesson
Hello teacher,
I’ve got 19 out of 20.