Beginning English Video Lessons – Week 19 Of 52

Part 1 – Watch and practice along with this Speaking Practice Video

Part 2 – Watch and practice along with this Pronunciation Practice Video

Part 3 – Listen, read, and practice along with the audio player and dialogue below.

Anna: Hi there! Summer in Washington, D.C. is hot and sunny. I always ride the Metro to work. Riding the Metro is cool and fast. But today it’s closed. So, I am walking to work.

(On the phone) Ms. Weaver, I am late this morning. The Metro is closed. So, I am walking to work.

Caty: That’s too bad. It’s really hot today.

Anna: Yes it is.

Caty: When you arrive, please come to my office. I have important news to tell you.

Anna: Of course. Good-bye. My boss has news for me. The question is: Is it good news or bad news?

(At work)

Anna: Hello, Ms. Weaver.

Caty: Anna, I have good news and I have bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

Anna: The good news. No … okay, the bad news.

Caty: The bad news is you are not good at reading the news.

Anna: Oh. I am very sorry to hear that.

Caty: So, starting next month you will not read the news.

Anna: Next month is July. You are firing me in July.

Caty: No. I am not firing you in July … or in August or in September. That is the good news.

Anna: Okay. You are not firing me. I am not reading the news. What will I be doing?

Caty: Well, you are good at asking questions. You are good at talking to people. You are good at showing your feelings. And you are great at being silly.

Anna: Thank you, Ms. Weaver. But what does all that mean?

Caty: I have a new assignment for you! Your skills are perfect for a new show … a children’s show.

Anna: A children’s show … That is awesome! When do I start?

Caty: You start next month. Start thinking of ideas for the show.

Anna: I have tons of ideas! I can show children what it’s like in outer space …

Caty: Great …

Anna: … or in the deep, dark ocean …

Caty: Those are great ideas, Anna. Please go think of more … at your desk. Anna: Yes. What other things can I show them? Mt. Everest! Everyone has different skills. You have skills. I have skills. The important thing is to know what you are good at. Until next time!

Part 4: Watch the “When Do I Start?” Video Lesson

Hello English Learners. How are you today? Here’s Lesson 19, “Where Do I Start?” which you need to watch carefully as well as review several times in order to increase your English comprehension and communication skills. Don’t forget to share your thoughts via our comments section below.

Part 5 – Take the “When Do I Start?” Lesson 19 Online Quiz

Click here: Take the “When Do I Start?” Lesson 19 Online Quiz

8 thoughts on “Beginning English Video Lessons – Week 19 Of 52

  1. Hello. I’m Danijela.
    Very interesting and useful lesson.
    I improved my vocabulary,reading and pronunciation.
    Thank you very much Maestro Sersea

  2. lesson 19 online quiz my score is 100 % I have answered 5 correct answers from total 5 questions. I am learning a lot with Anna’s dialog and all your video lessons which you sent us very regularly. Tons of thanks!

  3. Hello sir,
    I am Samir Malviya. I have completed this 4th lesson. It was really great lesson of improving my pronunciation and vocabulary building I participated in the quiz and I got 5 out of 5. Thank you so much sir for this lesson.🙏

  4. Hello!
    Today, I learned from learning videos. Name was “When do I start” . I learned that Anna was late because she was walking to work while wheather was too bad. The metro was closed which was she always rode. And she had heard good news and bad news after she arrived at Ms. Weaver’s office. Bad news was that she was not good at reading news. But she was good at talking to people, asking to people and being silly. So she had a new assignment Children’s show . She liked very much that job. Finally, I took the quiz and I had gotten full score.
    Thank you so much Sir!

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