American English Pronunciation #6: How to Pronounce /ch/ and /j/

Part 1: DIRECTIONS: Watch and pronounce with the video 2 or 3 times.

Part 2: DIRECTIONS: Practice pronunciation by reading aloud the following words and sentences.

ch — j


chat — jet

chore — joy

beach Jaguar


You must choose where you will go on vacation.

I will fly to Morocco on a big jet.

She drives a Jaguar luxury car.

It is a real joy to learn English.

She ate a whole peach today.

12 thoughts on “American English Pronunciation #6: How to Pronounce /ch/ and /j/

  1. Hello,
    I am Albertine
    I love this methodology you used to help us improve our pronunciation skills.
    Thank you

  2. Ch J
    children , children are playing Jam, Mango Jam is really good
    Childhood, Amina is my childhood friend Jelly , Jelly is good for bones
    Chines Jealous, Don’t be jealous of her good work
    Change Job , What kind of job you have ?
    Chief Join , I will join you at 6: 30
    check Juce, Have some fresh juce
    Hunch Jug , Please bring a jug of water

  3. Hello Maestro Sersee.
    It is a good lesson for practicing the pronounciation, tongue usage and I can improve my listening skill too.
    Thank you.

  4. Hello!
    Today, I have learned how to pronounce two different words “ch” and “j”. Thank you so much, Sir!

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